Saturday, January 08, 2011

New FTU Scrap Kit for Taggers

I decided to try and get back into scrapping.
I have a new taggers kit for you.
It's a music kit.

The Contents include
7 Paperz
2 Frames
3 Straight Ribbons
3 Folded Ribbons
3 Square Buttons
3 Glass Buttons
3 Gel Buttons
6 Music Symbols
1 Music Sheet
1 Piano Tube
1 Sax Tube
Also not included in the preview are

2 Tags 
1 Alpha Set--Caps Only
You can download the bunch here 
Please if you share send them here to get it
Please use my preview when sharing the link.
I hope you like what I have created.
Everything in the kit was crafted solely by me.
Do Not Change File Names
Do Not Claim anything as yours
Do Not Upload anything, anywhere.
All My work is digitally watermarked.
You are free to use my creations anyway you want.
Enjoy & thanks for supporting me.
Love & Hugs,

1 comment:

cyber said...

Wow. First person to post about your wonderful Music kit. Thanks so much. :)